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Data Management Services

Funder & Publisher Requirements: Overview

Research funders increasingly require that the results (publications, data, and other products) of the research they fund be made publicly accessible. For example, the White House Office of Science Technology and Policy (OSTP) issued a memo in February 2013 directing all federal agencies with more than $100 million in R&D expenditures to develop plans to ensure public access to research data and publications.

Requirements related to data can involve submission of a data management plan with grant proposals, and/or the public sharing of data resulting from funded research. Support for meeting data sharing requirements is available to all Georgia Southern researchers via this guide. For information about article sharing requirements, see SPARC's article sharing requirements tool. Prospective PIs should always review the specific RFP/RFA/PA when preparing any proposal.

For help evaluating open access requirements for publications and/or research data, contact Jeffrey Mortimore, Digital Scholarship Librarian.

Select Funder Requirements

Search DMPTool's Funder Requirements Library as well as the SPARC Federal Data Sharing Policy Library for up-to-date guidance on most major funders' DMP requirements. Additionally, see the following policy profiles for common funders from the Cornell University Research Data Management Group:

Select Publisher Policies & Guidelines

Data sharing policies and guidelines differ by publisher and journal. Prospective PIs should always review publisher requirements when vetting journals or other publications for dissemination of their research. For lists of select policies and guidelines, see here:

See also this list for some key publishers and journals:


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