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HIST 3030 - A History of African Ethnicities, Societies, and Peoples Since 1800: Find Books

This guide contains library and web-based information for students enrolled in HIST 3030: A History of African Ethnicities, Societies, and Peoples Since 1800.

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Search the Library Catalog

To find books and other materials housed in the library, use the Library's catalog. The GIL-Find Catalog allows you to search for Books, eBooks, DVDs, and other materials housed in our libraries. 

Can't find what you need?

  • To identify materials held at other USG Libraries, select "University System of Georgia" from the dropdown menu when searching the Catalog. Use our GIL Express service to have materials sent to you. 
  • To identify materials beyond our library, use the WorldCat Catalog and our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services.

Browse Call Numbers

Georgia Southern University Libraries uses the Library of Congress (LOC) Call Number system. If you want to browse the shelves start on the third and fourth floor of Zach S. Henderson Library and look for these call number ranges: 

BL 2400-2490 African Religions
BP 64 Islam in Africa
BR 1360-1470 Christianity in Africa
BV 3500-3630 Missions in Africaa
DT 1-3516 African History
GN 643-661
GN 861-865
African Anthropology, and Archaeology
GR 350-360 African Folklore
HC 501-599
HC 800-1085
African Economic Conditions
J 700-899 African Colonial Era Government Documents
JQ 1870-3981 Political Institutions and Public Administration, Africa
PJ 2301-2615 Hamitic languages spoken in Africa, including Berber and Tuareg languages
PJ 8900-9300 Semitic languages spoken in Africa, including Arabic, Somali and Ethiopian languages
PL 8000-8844 African Languages and Literature
PQ 3980-3989.2 African Literature in French
PR 9340-9408 African Literature in English
PT 6500-6593 Afrikaans Literature

Tips for Searching

Think of the best keywords to enter and be ready to change them as you pursue your topic. Try using a subject encyclopedia or dictionary for specialized terminology. Get ideas for new keywords by carefully examining the subject fields in your first results.

Try these search features:

  • Use quotes to search for phrases (example: "Transatlantic Slave Trade”)
  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to broaden or narrow your search
  • Use truncation (example: Afric* will find Africa, African, and Africans)
  • Sort results by date or relevanc