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HIST 3030 - A History of African Ethnicities, Societies, and Peoples Since 1800: Find Articles

This guide contains library and web-based information for students enrolled in HIST 3030: A History of African Ethnicities, Societies, and Peoples Since 1800.

Scholarly v. Non-Scholary

Scholarly (peer-reviewed) resources undergo review by experts in a field of study, who determine that the articles are objective and credible before they are published. Examples of peer-reviewed resources include articles in academic journals, collections of essays or anthologies. 

Non-scholarly resources are published without review by experts. Non-scholarly resources range from a variety of types, such as websites and magazines, to newspapers and books. If you plan to use non-scholarly materials, ask your instructor beforehand, and use the CRAAP Test.


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Kea, Pamela. 2013. “‘The Complexity of an Enduring Relationship’: Gender, Generation, and the Moral Economy of the Gambian Mandinka Household.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19 (1): 102–19. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.12005.



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