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Georgia Southern Commons

Make Your Pre-2006 Thesis or Dissertation Publicly Available!

The Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies and the University Libraries invite you to make your pre-2006 thesis or dissertation publicly available via Georgia Southern Commons. To do so, you must authorize the University to release a full copy of your thesis or dissertation under the terms of the license available here.

Most theses and dissertations completed since 2006 are publicly available online. However, a majority of these works completed prior to 2006 require that outside researchers either visit the Georgia Southern campus or request a copy through their own libraries. Because these works are not publicly available, many outside researchers are unable to learn or benefit from them. Making all Georgia Southern theses and dissertations available online has numerous benefits for authors and researchers, and helps to share the story of the University and its students worldwide. 

Under this license, the copyright holders (typically, the author or their next of kin):

  • Retain all copyright, including the right to share and publish your work as you see fit.
  • Agree to make the work publicly available for others to download, copy, and share; however, any other uses require your permission.
  • Retain the right to remove the work from public access if you decide not to share it later on.

To make your thesis or dissertation publicly available, click here or on the button above. Once we hear from you, the University Libraries will update access to your thesis or dissertation, and let you know when it is available online. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, including whether you have the right to release the work of a family member, please do not hesitate to contact the University Libraries at the information below.


For help, contact the GS Commons Team at A team member will respond as soon as possible during regular business hours.