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ENGL 1101 - Cartright : Evaluating Sources: The SIFT Method

The SIFT Method



SIFT is a source evaluation tool that focuses more on the process of evaluating sources rather than the criteria one should check for when evaluating a source.

SIFT is described as having "4 Moves"-- they are:

  1. Stop: Before engaging with the information, pause and take a moment to recognize any emotional reactions or preconceived biases that might influence your assessment.

  2. Investigate the Source: Examine the source of the information. Evaluate its credibility, reputation, and expertise. Consider factors such as the publisher, author, and their potential biases or motivations.

  3. Find Trusted Coverage: Look for additional coverage or sources that corroborate or refute the claims made in the article. Cross-referencing information from multiple reliable sources can help establish the accuracy of the claims.

  4. Trace Claims, Quotes, and Media: Verify the claims, quotes, and media included in the article. Check if there are primary sources, eyewitness accounts, or official statements that support the claims. Reverse image searches can help identify any manipulated or misleading visuals.

Check out this YouTube playlist explaining the SIFT method by the creator of the SIFT method, Mike Caulfield!

Example #1



Example #2

From the transcript:

Michael: So, step one is like the overall, just like, "We're going to give fat people semaglutide for weight loss." Step two is the same thing, but on people with type 2 diabetes. Step three is semaglutide with intensive behavioral therapy.

Aubrey: BLTs.

Michael: And then, the rest are kind of like smaller shading. So, step four is they put people on semaglutide for a while and then they switch half of them to a placebo. Step five is a two-year trial. Step six and seven are the same thing, but they're done on Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese people. And step eight is testing semaglutide versus one of the other GLP-1s. So, it's semaglutide versus liraglutide.

Aubrey: So, when you say-

Michael: I hate these f*cking names.

Aubrey: -step six and step seven are focusing on East Asian folks. It's worth mentioning that most of these trials, for Wegovy in particular, are just overwhelmingly white, as many diet studies are. One of the sort of leading meta-analyses of studies involving over 11,000 participants was 80% white, 10% black, and 5% AAPI. 

Michael: Although for diet studies, I mean, we both see diet studies that are like 97% white fairly frequently. So, it's funny, like 80% white, I'm like "Ooh, not bad." 


Aubrey: Oh, the bar is in hell. 

Try It Yourself!

Group 1:


Group 2:

Simpsons Did It

Group 3:

Space Lasers

Taken from Dapcevich, M (2024). Plastic Cutting Boards Shown To Shed Microplastics in Food? Snopes. Taken from PerryCook, W (2024). 'The Simpsons' Predicted the Baltimore Bridge Collapse? Snopes. Taken from Ibrahim, N (2024). Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Said 'Jewish Space Lasers' Caused California Wildfires? Snopes.