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A course for Undergraduate Nursing Students

Dissemination is an important part of displaying your work and seeking feedback from your peers. Dissemination can occur in the form of poster presentations, podium presentations, research meetings, or even publications. The first step to any presentation is to present your abstract for peer review.  Your course instructor will post a number of abstracts.  Your task is to give a peer review and comment upon 2 of the posted abstracts in a scholarly format.  The format for posting is the ABC format. 

A- Acknowledge your peers posting by name- ie Hello .....

B-Build upon the abstract you have chosen with a comment, data, or new information on the subject. Comments must contain at least one in text citation and a reference at the end. 

C-Conclude with a statement or question that could potentially continue a conversation or scholarly discussion. (e.g. You mentioned current fall prevention measures are not sensitive enough in fall prevention. Did you find any screening tools for assessment of fall risk?). Students are not required to respond to the questions for this post, but can if they like. 


Evaluation of the discussion is according to this rubric:

Criterion Score
Post to 1st abstract
5 points
Posts to first peers work in ABC format.
4 points
Post to first peers work but omitted one of the components of the ABC format.
3 points
Post to first peers work but omitted two or more of the components of the ABC format.
0 points
Missing a post to one abstract
Score of Post to 1st abstract,/ 5
Post to 2nd abstract
5 points
Posts to 2nd peers work in ABC format.
4 points
Post to 2nd peers work but omitted one of the components of the ABC format.
3 points
Post to 2nd peers work but omitted two or more of the components of the ABC format.
0 points
Missing a 2nd post to an abstract
Score of Post to 2nd abstract,/ 5
Scholarly writing
5 points
Post contains 1-2 spelling, syntax, or errors in structure.
4 points
Post contains 3 or more spelling, syntax or errors in structure.
3 points
Post is disorganized in syntax and structure.
0 points
Score of Scholarly writing,/ 5
APA format and references
5 points
At least one in text citation and APA reference are noted in correct format in both posts.
4 points
Missing either one in text citation or reference in correct format in one of the two posts.
3 points
Missing both an in text citation and reference at the end of both posts.
0 points
Score of APA format and references,/ 5