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HIST 5245 - Topics in Medieval History: Find Books*

This guide provides library and web-based information appropriate for students enrolled in HIST 5245 - Topics in Medieval History

Tips for Searching

Think of the best keywords to enter and be ready to change them as you pursue your topic. Try using a subject encyclopedia or dictionary for specialized terminology. Get ideas for new keywords by carefully examining the subject fields in your first results.

Try these search features:

  • Use quotes to search for phrases (example: "Battle of Manzikert”)
  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to broaden or narrow your search
  • Use truncation (example: archiv* will find archive, archives, archival, archivist)
  • Sort results by date or relevance
  • Browse subject headings

Search for Scholarly Monographs and Edited Collections

To find books and other materials housed in the library, use the Library's catalog. The GIL-Find Catalog allows you to search for Books, eBooks, DVDs, and other materials housed in our libraries. 

Can't find what you need? 
To identify materials held at other USG Libraries, select "University System of Georgia" from the drop-down menu when searching. Use our Gil-Express service to have materials sent to Zach S. Henderson Library.

Still can't find what you need? To identify materials beyond our library, use the Worldcat Catalog and our Interlibrary Loan services. 

Browse by Subject Headings

Library of Congress (LOC) Subject Headings are umbrella terms or phrases used to classify information on a certain subject. If you find a useful Subject Heading in the Gil-Find Catalog, you'll be able to see all the other items assigned to that heading. However, Subject Headings have unique structures and can therefore be difficult to find. Here are some ideas for searching the GIL-Find catalog:

Keywords Subject Headings

crusades first, crusades second, etc
christianity and other religions
civilization, medieval
islamic empire--history


knights knights and knighthood
military religious orders

vatican papacy--history
europe--church history
urban ii
gregory viii
church and state
church history--middle ages
catholic church -- relations -- orthodox eastern church
holy roman empire

middle east  

jerusalem--history--latin kingdom, 1099-1244

Browse By Call Number

Helpful call numbers in the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system may include: 

D World History 

D101- D203: History (General), Medieval History

DA129 - DA260: History of Great Britain, Early and medieval to 1485

DC60 - DC109: History of France, Early and medieval to 1515

DD125 - DD174.6: History of Germany, Early and medieval to 1519

DG500 - DG537.8: Medieval and modern Italy, 476-1492

DJ151 - DJ152: History of Netherlands (Holland), Early and medieval to 1555

DL160 - DL183.9: History of Northern Europe, Scandinavia, Early and medieval to 1523

DP558 - DP618: History of Portugal, Early and medieval to 1580

P Languages & Literature

PN7661-694: Medieval (to 1500)

PN683-687: Legends

PN688-691: Poetry

PN692-693: Prose