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FY22 Educational Resources Assessment

Feedback Form Instructions

As described by the Dean of Libraries and your Library Liaison(s), departments will be provided with a feedback form for each of the 11 journal packages to be unbundled and renegotiated. For more information about these packages, see the Departmental Review page. Each of these forms includes all the journal titles included in the package with the librarians' recommendations about the journal titles that could be considered for discontinuation. Journal titles with four or fewer uses per year are not listed because this is a usage assessment project and those titles were barely, if ever, used.

We will be sharing all 11 journal packages with all the departments as many journal titles are used across colleges and disciplines. If a department determines that it does not need to review a given journal package, then the department may abstain by not completing the feedback form and either making a statement to this effect on the form or notifying their Library Liaison(s).

Here is the basic information provided with each feedback form:

Example feedback form with callouts

The departments are asked to review these recommendations and provide their feedback by completing feedback forms no later than October 29th. For each journal title, please provide the following feedback:


A. Departmental Recommendation to Renew or Discontinue

In the Departmental Recommendation field for each journal, use the options in the dropdown to indicate whether the department believes the title should be renewed or discontinued. If the department is neutral regarding whether a journal should be renewed or discontinued, please abstain for that journal by leaving the field blank (as-is). If the department actively agrees or disagrees with the Libraries' recommendation for a journal, then please indicate this by selecting either Renew or Discontinue for that title. Alternatively, if the department actively agrees or disagrees with the Libraries' recommendations for multiple titles or for all titles, just make a statement to that effect on the feedback form and we can update the form for you.

See the following examples:


B. Departmental Title Assessment 

In the Departmental Assessment field for each journal title, use the options in the dropdown to indicate whether the departmental faculty believe the title is Essential, Important, or Desirable for teaching, learning, and research in the discipline. Please use the following definitions to inform your assessment of each title. To abstain, leave the field blank (as-is).

Essential: This journal is essential to teaching, learning, and research in the discipline and it is essential that students and faculty have immediate (real-time) access to all the contents of this journal. Any delay in access will cause irreparable harm to the department’s ability to provide instruction and conduct research. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and/or document delivery are insufficient alternatives for providing access to the contents of this journal.

Important: This journal is important to teaching, learning, and research in the discipline; however, it is not essential that students and faculty have immediate (real-time) access to all the contents of this journal. While a delay in access may cause inconvenience, it would not impair the department’s ability to provide instruction and conduct research. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and/or document delivery are acceptable alternatives for providing access to the contents of this journal.

Desirable: This journal is desirable for teaching, learning, and research in the discipline. Immediate (real-time) access to this journal is a benefit, but not at the expense of providing access to other essential or important resources. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and/or document delivery are acceptable alternatives for providing access to the contents of this journal.

See the following examples:


C. Additional Comments

Finally, use the Comments field to provide any additional written comments for each title. If appropriate, please include your name so we may contact you with any questions.

Following October 29th, the librarians will review all feedback and may contact the departments for additional information or clarification. The librarians will continue to renegotiate with vendors and will consult with faculty as needed. Once the Libraries reach the desired reduction, the Dean of Libraries will inform the university community on final decisions about journal subscriptions for FY22.