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Winter/Spring 2016

Editor's Letter - Winter/Spring 2016


Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to present to you this Winter/Spring 2016 issue of Wraparound South.  When we first launched this journal, our mission was multifold.  We wanted, on the one hand, to be a publication open to multiple genres and styles, to welcome both traditional and innovative forms, and to make the best use possible of an online platform by featuring video, sound, and other mixed media.  On the other hand, as we are located in Coastal Georgia, we wanted to give voice to our region, particularly welcoming the type of writing and subject matter that transcends cliches about the South.

I’m pleased that with this issue of Wraparound South we have managed to wrap around many interpretations of the word South and to offer many expressions of contemporary literary styles that include but also move beyond Southern literature.  We feature a variety of poems and stories that span the range from traditional to experimental, some that talk about classic themes, Southern landscapes and introspective meditations, while others that reflect on contemporary challenges and the sometimes-amusing dysfunctions of modern life. Some of our fiction and poetry is about the old South, while some treat contemporary themes that have reshaped the Southern identity. We did not limit ourselves to featuring literature only from this region. We bring you a variety of works, essays, poems, videos and interviews from writers who explore issues that range from the Syrian refugee crisis, to the deteriorating environment, to racial divides in a post Civil Rights world.  True to our mission, we wrap around our interpretation of the South as a region that maintains a distinctive identity, but one that contributes to and is affected by the challenges and politics of the world at large.

We believe that you will find ample variety of content and style between these digital pages, all brought to you by a team of accomplished contributors who worked hard to help us make this Winter/Spring issue unique. There is something here for everyone’s taste.  We hope you will find something that stimulates your thinking and satisfies your taste for literature.

Don’t forget to check out our Backporch section for talk on the craft and for our contributors’ confessions on the most embarrassing and most inspiring moments of their careers, and thank you for reading Wraparound South.


Laura Valeri

Managing Editor


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