(after “All Bears” by Caroline Fraser)
Donna Isaac
Are mischievous. Eyes alight but they return, in black masks,
in the night, scooping seeds raiders of the night,
or upsetting garbage cans, bounding across the lawn,
ripping bags with delicate, skipping into the woods
dangerous claws, like Russian hats with feet.
climbing the deck rail, These bandits do not
sniffing for corn cobs wash their food as myth
the neighbor leaves for deer. would have it, but
At night, two chubby ones have been seen near the pond,
fight or try to mate. eyes like laser pointers, surveying
Territorial beasts, they the neighborhood that used to
squall and cry like be theirs but is now
babies or burbling cats. taken over by humans
They will run away if, who leave their debris
in your rumpled nightgown, in plain sight so that
you awake with their screams they think it's a smorgasbord
in your head and run to the light just for them. Once a man
switch, exposing their battle, named Buck Buckman,
and beat on the screen door, set a trap for them but caught
yelling, “Shoo, shoo!!” a coyote instead.
[Check out Donna Isaac's back porch interview]