This guide is intended as a finding aid in support of the research and curriculum needs of students and faculty in discovering and disseminating information about underrepresented artists.
Underrepresented refers to: groups who have been denied access and/or suffered past institutional discrimination in the United States and, according to the Census and other federal measuring tools, includes African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Chicanos/Latinos, and Native Americans.This is revealed by an imbalance in the representation of different groups in common pursuits such as education, jobs, and housing, resulting in marginalization for some groups and individuals and not for others, relative to the number of individuals who are members of the population involved. Other groups in the United States have been marginalized and are currently underrepresented....These groups may include but are not limited to: women; other ethnicities; adult learners; veterans; people with disabilities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals; different religious groups, and different economic backgrounds (Definition from Emory University).
Please help us expand this list by submitting other underrepresented artists to the form on the Add to the List page.
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