The new trademark search system replaced the former Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) on November 30, 2023.
To make this transition as smooth as possible, we invite you to view recordings of these training webinars on the Trademarks search page:
Federal trademark searching: Basics
This webinar introduces you to federal trademark searching and the fundamental mechanics of using the new trademark search system.
Federal trademark searching: Advanced techniques
This webinar introduces you to the upper-level mechanics of searching in the new system.
Experienced practitioner webinar: Transitioning from TESS to the new search system
Designed for people who are already familiar with TESS, this webinar focuses on translating the syntax you already know to the syntax for the new system.
You can find additional resources in the help section of the new trademark search system at the USPTO.
We’ve already made improvements based on your valuable feedback, and we invite you to use the feedback tab in the search system to submit suggestions on how we can further improve your experience. This will help guide how we prioritize and develop future updates throughout the life of the new trademark search system. To see a full list of recent updates and bug fixes, see the announcements link on the system homepage.