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Eagle Nation Reflections on COVID-19: Project Details

Invitation to share individual stories related to the Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

About the Project

Our response to and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be studied by historians, sociologists, political scientists, and many other disciplines for years. Georgia Southern Libraries invites you to reflect on this historical event and how it is affecting you by asking for your participation in the following activity:

Highlight a record of your experience dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

This reflection can include anything from reactions to the pandemic, daily activities while in quarantine, or even a daily log of your pet’s activities. We welcome submissions from 
any GS faculty, staff, student or immediate family member!! 



Questions to Consider Answering

The following questions are only suggestions.  Answer as many or as few as you wish, or feel free to add your own topics or observations on other events or subjects relating to COVID-19 and the current state of our campus, our state, the U.S., and the world.


Think about YOURSELF (general themes:  your emotions, concerns, your experiences with how the world is changing and your reactions to these changes)

  1. What were your early impressions of the coronavirus back in January, before it was documented in the United States?
  2. What effect did the early stages of national and global reporting have on your daily life?  
  3. Once the coronavirus began to appear in the United States, how did your daily life change?  If if didn't (or hasn't) changed, why not?
  4. What are your concerns with how the coronavirus is changing your immediate environment and experiences?
  5. Has the change in social restrictions affected your emotions?  If so, how?
  6. If you work as well as take classes, how has your work situation changed?  
  7. What techniques are you using to combat stress or "news fatigue"?
  8. If you are a graduating senior, how is the world situation affecting your job searches?  

Think about YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, and OTHERS you encounter in daily life (general themes:  your friends and family and your relationships with others, and how these are changing now that we must perform social distancing, self quarantines, and other measures to "flatten the curve")

  1. How have your close relationships (friends and family) changed? 
  2. How have your interactions with strangers changed?  
  3. What are your impressions of how others in society are interacting with each other during this time of social distancing and uncertainty?
  4. What economic impact is the coronavirus having on you, your family, and your close friends?

Think about SOCIETY, INSTITUTIONS, and THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY (general themes:  society, institutions, the different aspects of these times, the virus itself, the stock market, hoarding, public events, hospitals, universities, work, media, etc.)

  1. What changes in societal behavior have you observed once the reality of the pandemic set in?  Are there behaviors you have heard about but not witnessed first hand?
  2. What employment changes have family or friends undergone due to the coronavirus, if any?
  3. How has your news-seeking and news-consumption behavior changed since the pandemic began?  How has this change affected you?
  4. What events or reactions by institutions, businesses, or industry have surprised you the most and why?
  5. For college students or college professors, how has the mandated change to online instruction affected your daily routine?  

Final thoughts:

  1. What lasting societal changes in the United States do you believe will definitely result from the coronavirus pandemic?
  2. What changes do you hope will result from the coronavirus pandemic?

Adapted from "Write It Down" at Univ. of Virginia and Univ. of South Caroline Upstate. 

Types of Submissions

Georgia Southen University Libraries is accepting submissions in a variety of styles and formats that showcase the wide range of experiences our community is having during this time in history.  The formats individuals choose document not only this specific moment in history but also the various modes of communication available to society as a whole.  Options include:

  • Answers to suggested questions, in list form
  • Journal, Blogs
  • Poetry or haiku
  • Original artwork (Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, etc.)
  • Photographs
  • Video Recordings, Vlogs
  • Voice Recordings, Podcasts
  • Anything you want!