Currently, in its 6th edition (2019), The ASA Style Guide is designed for use by scholars preparing manuscripts for publication in American Sociological Association journals.
ASA format or English American Sociological Association style is the generally accepted style used to design research/academic papers in Sociology. Just like APA or MLA, this style has specific requirements to arrange content, citations, footnotes, and bibliography in academic works.
Follow this link to the Purdue OWL ASA page (5th ed.) which has many useful examples. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE that the 6th ed. had a number of significant changes: (note many changes follow CMOS 2017, on which it is based)
ch.5 (electronic sources) -- substantial revision including:
ch.6: most up-to-date guidelines for ASA journal submissions
REMEMBER to provide complete references (corresponding to your in-text citations) at the end of your paper in the References List section. All references should have corresponding in-text citations (and vice versa) & reference lists should be double-spaced.
[when in doubt, consult ch.4 in the ASA style guide]
An in-text or parenthetical citation refers to the practice of giving credit to an author by citing their words and ideas in your paper. Citations in-text include the last name of the author(s) and year of publication (see Ch.4.3.1);
If no date is provided, use the abbreviation “N.d.” for no date [for more on this situation, see: ]
With author in sentence
Naomi Wolf (1991) argues that women's magazines have instilled a message that women have to look a certain way to experience happiness and excitement.
Without author in sentence
It has been argued that women's magazines have instilled a message that women have to look a certain way to experience happiness and excitement (Wolf 1991).
With author in sentence, using direct quote
Naomi Wolf (1991:71) argues that “a girl learns that stories happen to 'beautiful' women, whether they are interesting or not.“
Note: [If a work has 3 authors, cite all 3 last names in the first citation in the text; thereafter use et al.; if a work has more than 3 authors, use et al. in the 1st citation and in all subsequent citations]
[Note: In your References list, use double-spacing and a hanging indent (not shown here) and pay close attention to punctuation, placement of dates and formatting of authors' names] See ch. 4.3.2 for other Reference List examples [Note: color coding is only for instructional purposes]
Author (Last Name, First Name M.I.). Year of publication. Name of Publication. Publisher’s city and state: Publisher’s name.
Author1 (Last Name, First Name M.I.), and Author2 (First Name M.I. Last Name). Year of publication. Name of Publication. Publisher’s city and state: Publisher’s name.
*NOTE: For works with 3 -10 authors, list all authors. Don't use et al. in the References section unless the work was authored by a committee.*
Author1 (Last Name, First Name M.I.). Year of publication. "Title of chapter." Pp. page numbers in Name of Publication, edited by, (First Name M.I. Last Name). Publisher's city and state: Publisher's name.
Author1 (Last Name, First Name M.I.), and Author2 (First Name M.I. Last Name). Year of publication. “Title of Article." Name of Publication Volume Number (Issue Number): page numbers of the article.
The format for online articles is the same as for print periodicals; however, if there is a DOI, copy and paste it from the article to the end of your citation. Books or articles obtained from websites follow the same pattern as those previously mentioned, with the exception that the page numbers are omitted and the URL and date of access (If necessary) are included.
Journal Article from a Website:
Author1 (Last Name, First Name M.I.), and Author2 (First Name M.I. Last Name). Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal Volume Number (Issue Number). URL.
Journal article with a DOI (use the format for print journals as above but copy and paste DOIs from the article, if available):
Author1 (Last Name, First Name M.I.), and Author2 (First Name M.I. Last Name). Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal Volume Number (Issue Number). doi.
E-book from an online database:
Author (Last Name, First Name M.I.) Year of publication. Name of Publication. Publisher’s city and state: Publisher’s name. URL.
Authors. Date of Publication. Title: Edition or version [object type]. Publisher (Archival Distributor). URL or doi.
Table in a PDF
<Authors, if available>. <Dataset Title: Edition or version>. <Date of Publication><Title of table>. <URL or doi>
[For more examples, be sure to see the ASA Style Guide, 6th ed. Appendix]
Do you Have other questions about citing data? See this guide from ICPSR: - see the section on Citing Data & Statistics and visit the ICPSR web site to search for surveys & dataset:
[Note: some examples adapted from & Purdue OWL References list examples, as well as ASA Style Guide, 6th ed. Appendix & ch. 5]
Creator (Last Name, First Name M..I). Date. "Title." Site (or organization/producer). Date of release or posting. Format, duration in min.:sec. URL.
Author. Year. "Title of work." Medium (format). Title of collection. URL.
IMAGE from website w/ creator listed
Creator (Last Name, First Name M..I). Date created. "Title of Image." From Site Title. URL.
[for more examples, visit the ASA Style Guide, 6th ed.]