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ARTH 3110 - Ancient Near Eastern Art - COSTA: Home

Resources for ARTH 4632, Amcient Near Eastern Art & Architecture

[Modified] From the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

Reference Sources

Reference sources provide broad overviews, definitions, and general information.

Reference sources take the form of encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, handbooks, etc., and are a great starting point in the research process when you are beginning to understand an issue or establish context.

Types of Information and Their Purposes

Accessing Course Reserves

Here are some ways to search Course Reserves using the Instructor's last name (in this case Costa) that should get the desired result. These are ranked  in the order that will give the best results when performing an "exact phrase" search: 

Lane Library

Profile Photo
Lauren McMillan
Lane Library
Armstrong Campus