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HIST 2112 - Survey of U.S. History II: How to Find Primary Sources

An introduction to library research for students enrolled in HIST 2112: History of America Since 1865

What is a Primary Source?

primary source is generally defined as document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. Depending on your research topic and perspective, primary sources can include:

  • Original Documents (autobiographies, personal correspondence and diaries, speeches and oral histories, newspapers, government documents, audio and video recordings, photographs, and maps)
  • Creative Works (Art, drama, poetry, music, novels) 
  • Relics or Artifacts

[American Press Association. Suffrage Parade, New York City, May 6, 1912." World Digital Library.]

Using Good Sources to Find More Good Sources

If you are reading a book or article that is on your topic, check the bibliography to see if the author found any sources that might be of useful to you.

Suggested Library Databases

Presidential Libraries

Presidential Libraries are repositories for the papers, records and historical materials of the Presidents. The Presidential Libraries work to ensure that these irreplaceable items are preserved and made available for the widest possible use by researchers.