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Baker 3150: Evaluating Information

Reading Scholarly Articles

What's CRAAP?

Currency: When was the information published or last updated?

Relevance: What is the depth/coverage of info? Who is the intended audience?

Authority: Who wrote the information? What are their credentials? Are they affiliated with a company? A non-profit? A university? **Look for a Contact Us or About Us page.**

Accuracy: Are there any citations? Do the links work? Where are the links going? Can you verify the information elsewhere?

Purpose: Does the website aim to teach? Inform? Sell? Entertain? Persuade? Is it .gov? .edu? .com?

Quick Tips

Quick Tips

  • Check the "About" or "Contact" links to see if a physical address or phone number exists
  • Look for a last updated or copyright date
  • Be mindful of the URL - personal web pages often include the person's name
  • Check the extension - .org, .com, .net, .edu, etc.
  • Check for errors in spelling or page format
  • Beware of broken links 
  • Look for a "Disclaimer" link