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Electrical & Computer Engineering

This guide will assist you in locating and effectively using print and electronic resources relating to Electrical & Computer Engineering.

What Type of Sources Do You Need?

This guide is designed to help you explore and effectively use print and electronic resources for Electrical & Computer Engineering available through the Georgia Southern University Libraries. Click the dark blue tabs beginning with Reference Tools, to explore what resources are available.

Once you learn to distinguish different types of articles, you can use the Compare Your Sources worksheet to evaluate sources side-by-side.


Here you will find sources for articles relating to Electrical  Engineering. You can search for articles from those journals using the Discover Service.  

NOTE: if you are off-campus or outside the Georgia Southern University network, you will need to provide your MyGeorgiaSouthern ID and password.

Introduction to Discover (2:30)

Find Scholarly Articles using Discover Search

2 important things to know!

Permalinks:  look for these in the detailed record or side menu bar when viewing an article.  This is the persistent URL for the article--don't use the URL in your browser location bar!

Folders: you can folder items to manage your matches but they won't be saved unless you log in (this is different than your GS login).  The easiest -- and safest --thing to do is to temporarily folder items, then email them to yourself for later.  Please contact your Liaison Librarian if you would like assistance with this feature.


DISCOVER — Electrical & Computer Engineering Search

Discover Basic Search  DISCOVER — Electrical & Computer Engineering Search

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