The top 3 journals (ranked by journal impact factor)* in Engineering, Electrical and Electronic in the JCR Year 2020 were:
You can get more information on these and other titles in the Journal Citation Reports database. Also, explore the resources on the Articles tab in this guide.
Note: if you are off-campus, you will be prompted for your MyGeorgiaSouthern ID and password.
* The number of current citations to articles published in a specific journal in a two year period divided by the total number of articles published in the same journal in the corresponding two year period.
This guide is designed to help you explore and effectively use print and electronic resources for Electrical & Computer Engineering available through the Georgia Southern University Libraries. Click the dark blue tabs beginning with Reference Tools, to explore what resources are available.
Once you learn to distinguish different types of articles, you can use the Compare Your Sources worksheet to evaluate sources side-by-side.
Here you will find sources for articles relating to Electrical Engineering. You can search for articles from those journals using the Discover Service.
NOTE: if you are off-campus or outside the Georgia Southern University network, you will need to provide your MyGeorgiaSouthern ID and password.