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Narayan Saviskas

Digital Humanities Now

Digital Humanities Now


Digital Humanities Now is a continually edited website dedicated to spreading information about what is currently going on in the advancing digital world. This website allows students or researchers in the digital humanities field to publish onto their website and search for college based scholarships.

From event updates to even job openings, Digital Humanities Now keeps readers up to date on all things digital Humanities.


As it stands, this site, though clunky in appearance offers aot of help and options for Digital Humanities Majors and those with Information Technology skills. Websites like Digital Humanities Now allows the Digital workforce to continue to grow, and for employers to gain more valuable employees.

Click the Images below for the website

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Stanford University Digital Humanities

Stanford University

Stanford University offers a digital humanities program that offers a range of computational skills and new technology to improve professor and student work.

Stanford has the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA), Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR), Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) and the Digital Humanities Focal Group (DHFG) all available to students to use and research with.


  • CESTA, within Stanford's Wallenberg House, CESTA allows students and researchers to gather and cooperate on digital research. It also doubles as a center for training secessions and workshops for digital humanities.
  • CIDR, a specialized team of humanists offer help to those using the digital humanities facilities. From information technology help to data creation and management tutorials, CIDR offers help to all students.
  • CCRMA, facility on Stanford campus where musicians and researchers use computer based technology to collaborate on music creation. Computer generated music concerts happen several times a year to allow students to show off their creations.
  • DHFG, Focal group who promotes digital research through workshops and lectures, DHFG allows university students to continue with their degree as a digital humanities Major or Minor.


As a college website, Standford's site is impressive in appearance. Much more so than Digital Humanities Now. I feel that this site could use more links or other connections to their specific programs regarding digital humanities much like how Digital Humanities Now did their site. A combination of both of these sites would create an impressive presentation and practicality for the world to see.

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