Shawn Jackson open up his presentation talking about the Arduino Board and the rasbery pi. We didn't go over much about the Pi, but we do know that it can be interfaced with the Arduino or be a standalone platform.The Arduino is a open-source electronics platform which is super easy to use hardware/software. He talked about its application and how it was able to read inputs with the Arduino you can turn on an LED. Which is really cool and if your able to follow these few steps you can to. We got a simple kit that cost about $40 and with it it gives you everything you need to make your Adruino run smooth.
First is to connect your Arduino to the computer through a usb remember which port its in which will be important later. You need to have the program needed to open up the application for the Arduino when its connected. This software allows you to edit the software of the Arduino to make the LED turn on and off on intervals based on what numbers you input. Not only that but when you buy the kit it comes with a switchboard. If you put the led light on it and use the wires connecting it to the Arduino; the voltage running through the Arduino will get passed to the switchboard if done right, you'll be able to turn the LED light on it on.
This board will show you the applications of technology very hands on. Digital Humanities it all about the digital and how your able to use applications to make life easier. This board is very linear and can show you how you use applications to change what the Arduino does. This could be by adding in a new line of code or just changing a few numbers around.
The Adruino is one platform that allows the person to learn new computer skills. Its perfect for beginners to get use to and learn new techniques. Digital Humanities is the medium of computer tools used for daily lives and effects your life directly. This is one of the many tools that can expand and make life easier by learning new computer skills.