If you need help with citing your sources, please feel free to contact me! I am always more than happy to help guide you through MLA.
Tips for managing your sources:
With author in sentence:
Naomi Wolf argues that women's magazines have instilled a message that women have to look a certain way to experience happiness and excitement (61).
Without author in sentence:
"A girl learns that stories happen to 'beautiful' women, whether they are interesting or not" (Wolf 61).
In-text citations for print source with no known author:
We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has "more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change..." ("Impact of Global Warming" 6).
When a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead of an author name. Place the title in quotation marks if it's a short work (such as an article) or italicize it if it's a longer work (e.g. plays, books, television shows, entire Web sites) and provide a page number.