Three Examples of MLA: journal, book, and an edited book
Academic journals:
Lastname, Firstname. "Title of The Article." Tile of the Journal in Ital, vol. ##, no. ##, YEAR, pp. ##-##. Database Name in Ital, doi: ###.
Monk, Nicholas. "Desert Gothic: Cormac McCarthy, Paul Bowels, and Don Waters." The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 171-86. ProQuest One Literature, doi:10.5325/Cormmccaj.17.2.0171.
**Please note: Due to formatting limitations, I cannot replicate a hanging indent on this.
Morton, Lisa. Calling Spirits: A History of Seances. Reaktion Books, 2021.
Nixon, Nicola. "Making Monsters or Serializing Killers." American Gothic: New Interventions in a National Narrative, edited by Robert K. Martin and Eric Savoy, University of Iowa Press, 1998, pp. 217-36.
While citation styles (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) differ in the order of their elements (author name, publisher, volume/issue number, date, etc.), most of them require you to identify the same properties of a given book or journal. For example, you almost always have to identify the following:
Identifying these can be difficult at first, but practice always helps!
Pro tip: before considering your citation complete, make sure you check the PDF of the article itself to ensure you have not missed any information.
Hospitality - Group 1
The Coda - Group 2
Function of the Family - Group 3
The Boy & Critical Conclusions - Group 4
Memories & Dreams - Group 5