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CRJU 1100 - Intro to Criminal Justice: Find Articles +

This guide contains library and web-based information for students enrolled in CRJU 1100: Intro to Criminal Justice.

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 Online (Full Text) Only    Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed

Why Use "Scholarly Journal" Articles?

Often an assignment will call for Journal Articles, or your professor will state, "I want to see some scholarly/peer-reviewed articles in your bibliography." Journals, in particular Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journals, are where you can find published research. This information is generally more current than books, because each Journal is published multiple times a year as a separate issue. 

You can find Journal Articles by searching from the library's home page, or on this guide using the DISCOVER search above. There are also subject-specific databases that are helpful for finding articles within a specific discipline.

Tip: Be sure to check the Scholarly/Peer-reviewed box to limit your results to the appropriate resources. 

Subject-Specific Article Databases

Scholarly v. Non-Scholary

Scholarly (peer-reviewed) resources undergo review by experts in a field of study, who determine that the articles are objective and credible before they are published. Examples of peer-reviewed resources include articles in scientific journals, anthologies, and collections of essays. 

Non-scholarly resources are published without review by experts. Non-scholarly resources range from a variety of types, such as websites and magazines, to newspapers and books. If you plan to use non-scholarly materials, ask your instructor beforehand, and use the CRAAP Test.