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HIST 5030 - Appalachian History: Find Books

This guide contains library and web-based information for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in HIST 5030: Selected Topics in Appalachian History

Search for Books

Can't find what you need?

  • To identify materials held at other USG Libraries, select "University System of Georgia" from the dropdown menu when searching the Catalog. Use our GIL Express service to have materials sent to you. 
  • To identify materials beyond our library, use the WorldCat Catalog and our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services.

Why Books?

Books are the best source for in-depth information when you really need to know a subject in and out.

Typical books are structured in such a way as to lead you from little knowledge about a subject to a more thorough understanding; this cannot usually be said for web resources or articles. Scholarly articles are typically written by and for experts in a field and so cannot be easily understood by someone that is not familiar with the jargon. Web resources usually do not provide any in-depth examination of the information.

Search the Library Catalog

To find books and other materials housed in the library, use the Library's catalog. The GIL-Find Catalog allows you to search for Books, eBooks, DVDs, and other materials housed in our libraries. 

Library of Congress (LOC) Subject Headings

Library of Congress (LOC) Subject Headings are umbrella terms or phrases used to classify information on a certain subject. If you find a useful Subject Heading in the Gil-Find Catalog, you'll be able to see all the other items assigned to that heading.

Geography & History

Appalachian Region

Appalachian Region historical geography

Appalachian Region History

People, life and social conditions

Appalachian Region economic conditions

Appalachian Region social life and customs

Appalachian Region - Social Conditions Appalachians (People)

Mountain life Southern States

Mountain people Appalachian Region History

Rural development Appalachian Region. Southern History

Rural poor Appalachian Region. Southern History

Coal Mining Industry

Coal mines and mining Appalachian Region. Southern

West Virginia Mine Wars

Women coal miners West Virginia

Environmental Issues

Appalachian region and southern environmental conditions

Human ecology and Appalachian region and Southern history

Natural resources and Appalachian region and Southern history

Nature and effect of human beings and Appalachian region and Southern history

Mountaintop removal mining Appalachian Region


Tips for Searching

Think of the best keywords to enter and be ready to change them as you pursue your topic. Try using a subject encyclopedia or dictionary for specialized terminology. Get ideas for new keywords by carefully examining the subject fields in your first results.

When you find a good book, you can also look at its subject headings in the catalog record. Follow these to list other items on that topic. Or, use the subject heading terms in a new keyword search.