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ENGL 1101 - Comp I - MCCOY: Getting Started

An introduction to the Library for first-year students enrolled in McCoy's English 1101 course.


Definition of Information: According to

: knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction
: the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (such as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects
: a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) representing data
: something (such as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (such as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct
: a quantitative measure of the content of information
specifically : a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the outcome of an experiment to be performed
: the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence

Information Cycle

When information is created, it may be shared with the public in a variety of different formats. Different formats reach different audiences. The same people who learn about the information on social media may never read newspapers, for instance. Each format conveys information in a different way. These formats make up the information cycle. Information may be produced in one, some, or all of these formats to reach different audiences. These different formats make up sources that can be used by researchers to learn or share the information more. 

Deciding what type of sources will work best for your research project can be daunting. Sometimes, this is decided for you based on the perimeters set by your professor. Other times, it's wide open and you have to provide a variety of sources all relevant to your topic. Understanding the basic Information Cycle Timeline can help you determine what type of source is best to use. 

Graphical illustration of Information Timeline