Retirees of the University System of Georgia are dedicated supporters of the institutions from which they have retired and wish to continue that support in retirement. Many retirees continue research, publishing, and presenting in their retirement, and their works bring value and honor to the USG community of scholarship.
The following three standard library services will be provided to all USG retirees who come to a USG library in person. The three services are:
- check out of library materials (with the caveat that the library has discretion over circulating equipment or other special classes of materials);
- access to electronic resources while in the library; and
- reference help, including the navigation of any location-specific policies or agreements affecting these and other services.
Emeritus/a faculty at USG institutions will be provided full library access (the same as active faculty), including remote access to electronic resources. Emeritus/a faculty should contact their institution’s library for details and credentials for remote access to electronic resources.
As it relates to the above access and services policies, information will be kept up to date, as needed, on USG library and campus websites.