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ENGL 1102 - Comp II - JAMISON: Getting started

Strategies for Research

Steps for Creating a Search Strategy:
1. Summarize your topic
2. Identify main concepts (keywords)
3. Identify synonyms, alternate words and/or related words
4. Try different combinations of keywords



Pre-search is the process of using familiar sources to explore topics and gather basic background info on a topic before delving into further research. Pre-search is an important stage in the research process! Trying looking in these places for ideas. 

  • Google

  • Wikipedia (not to be used as a source for your paper)

  • Social Media

  • News Sources 


Preliminary reading

The following resources are Lane Library subscriptions and helpful in understanding how a topic can be categorized or considered in different ways.  Using these databases off campus will require your GSU username and password.

Reference Sources: Provide background info and definitions

Topic Suggestions

Topic Suggestions (You are not limited to this list. These are just a few ideas.)

1.  The Effects of the Internet on Language

2. Technology and Disappearing Dialect

3. The Grammar (or Non-Grammar?) of Texting

4. Emojis and Language

5. Make-Believe Languages as Distraction or Asset to Film (Dothraki, Klingon, etc)

6. Is Spanglish a Valid Form of English (or Spanish)?

7. Gender and Language

8. Textspeak and the Decline of Grammar?

9. The Importance (or Dangers)  of Nonstandard Language

10. The Influence of Popular Music on Language

11. The Zoom Classroom: An Asset or Hindrance?

12. Technology in the College Classroom in the Age of Covid19