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"On Twitter you can follow this or that person and with dataZoa you can follow numbers..."  Read More

The Wall Street Journal

"First off… this is my new favorite tool! Awesome! I was able to pull data that would have taken weeks to pull and now it’s updated automatically, love it."  Read More

Business Intelligence Manager, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport

"The dZ-Dot makes using data from outside sources incredibly easy..."  Read More

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

"Massachusetts creates the gold standard for municipal bond disclosure..."  Read More


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Tennessee State Data Center

"I simply wanted to share information about a really, really, nice resource... I think it's going to have a big impact..."  Read More

University of Victoria, Canada

"The dataZoa Suite is an excellent data management and presentation system..."  Read More

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Need help uploading your data?

Most people copy and paste data from their spreadsheet into the dataZoa upload window to the left.

to learn more about DataZoa Upload formats including how to add units, footnotes and other data descriptors.

Click here for some upload examples...

Click one of the sample links below to see examples of common data upload formats (use the Clear Button to clear these examples out of the data upload window).

A simple series...

Replacing Series while preserving their Series Keys...

You can replace the contents of Series entirely but keep all references in place in your charts and tables.

A common application for this is when you have a spreadsheet of data that you routinely copy and paste into dataZoa.

After you have uploaded the spreadsheet the first time, just use the Workbench to Export the series to a file. The file header will have a row of series keys you can then add to your spreadsheet to use from then on.

Like this... Original: Illustration - uploading without keys   With Keys: Illustration - uploading with keys

Automate your uploads with the dataZoa API...

With the dataZoa API, you can automate your data transfers. If you have important recurrent updates, your systems can cooperate with dataZoa for enhanced reliability, timeliness and accuracy.
the dataZoa API documentation or download it here.