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Off-Campus Access to Library Resources

Having Trouble Using the Libraries' Resources Outside the United States? Try the University's Virtual Lab.
In most countries, Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff should be able to access the Libraries' electronic resources, including books, articles, audio, and video, just as you would within the United States. However, some countries or content providers may have Internet access, website, or content constraints that interfere with your ability to use the Libraries' resources.

If this occurs and it is legal for you to do so within the country or jurisdiction where you are located, try using the University's Virtual Lab environment to create a connection to a workstation located in the United States. By using Virtual Lab, you should be able to access the Libraries' resources as if you are located off-campus inside the United States.

Virtual Lab and a How-To-Guide are available in the Technology Resources menu of myGeorgiaSouthern. For additional instructions, see this document.