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Library Services and Resources for Undergraduate Students

A guide highlighting services, resources and collections available to our students

Ebooks @ Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University has an extensive collection of ebooks made available through our databases. These collections cover a variety of disciplines and even include fiction books. 


What is an ebook?

An electronic book (also e-bookebookeBook, digital book) is a book made available in digital form and designed to be read using special e-book software, some of which preserve the book’s original layout and design. Ebooks can be read on a variety of PCs (desktops, notebooks, tablets, and handhelds), PDAs, and dedicated e-book readers using specially designed e-book software. (Source: CredoReference)

How Do I Access Ebooks?

Our ebook collections are available for free to Georgia Southern students, faculty, and staff 24/7. You can search the following ways:

  • Conduct a search in the GIL Find Catalog and limit your results to "Full Access Online."
  • Search our A-Z Database list for ebooks and select a specific database. 

If you want to search for new and popular fiction books try OverDrive! You can read or listen to these books. View our FAQ page on OverDrive for more information.